A Global Reach

Salvation Army personnel and others benefitting from services
by SalvationArmy.ca
Categories: Articles, Blog, Feature, Mobile, Newswire

The Salvation Army is a global movement, actively operating in 134 countries. Through compassionate outreach and the sharing of Jesus Christ’s love, we strive to support and uplift communities worldwide.

The International Development Department of The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory, through the generous financial support of salvationists/members and the public, plays a vital role in giving hope to those who need it most.

Each year, the department oversees the development and production of resources for the Partners in Mission Self-Denial Campaign. In 2023, the Canada and Bermuda Territory raised over $3 million to aid The Salvation Army’s global ministry.

Alongside various fundraising initiatives, the department manages the technical and financial support for humanitarian relief and development projects. These projects focus on five key thematic areas.

  • Education
  • Health
  • Food Security
  • Children’s Sponsorship
  • Water and Sanitation

In 2023, with the generosity of Canadians and Bermudians, our territory provided financial and technical assistance to more than 111 projects across 34 territories.

A significant focus this year was helping individuals and families affected by the conflict in Ukraine. Imagine fleeing your country, leaving behind your family, and finding yourself in a foreign land, unsure where to turn. The local Salvation Army was there to provide a warm meal and safe shelter. Thanks to your generosity, over 50,000 people received vouchers, food, shelter, and emotional and spiritual care.

In Malawi and Liberia, two projects valued at $1.8 million helped over 700 farmers with agricultural inputs and climate-resilient farming techniques. A highlight of the year was the Canadian Foodgrains Bank Learning Tour, which visited our farmers in Monkey Bay, Malawi.

As we continue to reach out in love to serve communities worldwide, William Booth’s motto, “Heart to God and Hand to Man,” echoes throughout our holistic Christian-based international development efforts.

Thank you for your ongoing support of this vital ministry.