Salvation Army Receives Funding to Provide Consistent Milk and Eggs for all Food Bank Clients in Fredericton

by Maritime
Categories: 2021, News Archive

For most Maritimers, milk and eggs are simply staples on the grocery list. But for families that rely on Salvation Army food banks, these expensive items are not always accessible. But now, thanks to funding from MAZON Canada, The Salvation Army in Fredericton is able to offer weekly food box that include milk and eggs. 

“We made it our goal to include 1 litre of milk and eggs in every food box,” explains Susan Strickland, community family services coordinator. 

“It makes the world of difference”

MAZON Canada supports food projects across the country, from British Columbia to Nova Scotia to Nunavut, helping both Jewish and Non-Jewish Canadians. Each food project is unique, including The Salvation Army in Fredericton’s milk and egg initiative. 

“It may seem small to someone who doesn’t experience food insecurity, but it makes the world of difference for our clients and families in need,” explains Susan.

The Salvation Army in Fredericton is dedicated to finding a way to ensure these products are included regularly moving forward. Clients have already begun expressing their gratitude for the new staple in their food boxes.

“One client, John, was ecstatic when I told him about the milk and eggs. He responded with ‘I was going to say I love you because of the milk and eggs’. I smiled and said we love you, too.”

The Salvation Army in Fredericton provides more than 270 food boxes each month. Through the funding from MAZON Canada and the milk and eggs already being donated by Food Banks Canada, they will be able to provide milk and eggs for the rest of 2021.

Through your support, The Salvation Army can continue to help Maritimers in need. You can help by donating online or by calling 902-455-1201.