2021 HEAT Fund Now Open for Applications

Halifax, NS, January 14, 2020 – After 24 years of helping low-income individuals and families in emergency need of home heating assistance, additional funding for the 2021 Home Energy Assistance Top-up (HEAT) Fund will help more Nova Scotians than ever this year.
The Province of Nova Scotia, through Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services, and Nova Scotia Power continue to make the Fund possible for those experiencing heat insecurity. The province contributes $800,000 annually and Nova Scotia Power gives $200,000 to the Fund. In December 2020, Nova Scotia Power Maritime Link Inc. (NSPML) announced a donation of $1.5 million to the Fund, which will provide support to electricity customers who have been hardest hit by the financial challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
With the launch of the 2021 season, the income thresholds have changed to assist more individuals and families. The thresholds are now set at $29,000 for one-person households, $47,703 for two to four person households, and $67,937 for households of five or more individuals. In 2020, more than 3,500 households received emergency home heating support from the Fund. The Salvation Army administers the HEAT Fund, which runs annually starting in January and with a maximum assistance amount of $400 per applicant.
“We know many Nova Scotians have difficulty making ends meet, especially in these unprecedented times,” says Peter Gregg, President and CEO of Nova Scotia Power. “Whatever the situation, everyone deserves a warm, comfortable place to call home, and the HEAT Fund is one of the ways we are working to help make that happen.”
With a total of $2.5 million, the HEAT Fund has the potential to assist more than 6,000 households throughout 2021. “The additional funding for the HEAT Fund comes at a critical time for Nova Scotians,” says Major Wade Budgell, divisional commander for The Salvation Army. “We have more people asking for our help every day, and this generous support will make a life-changing impact for thousands of individuals and families.”
When the pandemic began, the application criteria was changed, allowing those in need to apply every 12 months rather than every two years, and extending the application deadline indefinitely. NS Power also contributed an additional $500,000 at that crucial time.
“The province is very proud to contribute to the Home Energy Assistance Top-up Fund to help people in emergency situations with their heating costs,” said Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services Minister Patricia Arab. “If you or anyone you know meets the criteria for help, please get in touch right away with the Salvation Army for assistance.”
There is also an opportunity for Nova Scotia Power customers to contribute directly to the HEAT Fund by signing up on the NS Power website to donate money via their power bills. Information on the program and how it works can be found at: HEAT Fund | Nova Scotia Power
Information about the HEAT Fund and the online application form can be found at https://salvationarmy.ca/atlantic/heat/