The Salvation Army: Anti-Racism Address

by The Salvation Army in Canada
Categories: News


I come to you today to acknowledge the deep concern around the ongoing scourge of racism in our country and world. We see the frustration and anger boiling over on the daily news, and our hearts ache at the injustice. We acknowledge that Black, Indigenous and other people of colour continue to be marginalized and oppressed. This must change. There is no place for discrimination based on a person’s race, ethnicity or creed.

Equity has always been part of The Salvation Army’s mission and values. Our International Positional Statement on Racism affirms: “Racism is fundamentally incompatible with the Christian conviction that all people are made in the image of God and are equal in value. The Salvation Army believes that the world is enriched by a diversity of cultures and ethnicities.”

This must be more than just wishful thinking. It must be our lived reality. The desire for racial diversity, inclusion and equity must permeate our working relationships and corporate culture.

While the Army has often acted firmly and courageously against racism, we confess that there are also times when we have fallen short. We are striving to do better. We are committed to reflecting, learning and engaging in conversation as to how we can continually improve. To this end, our Ethics Centre is providing a series of online discussions to help us wrestle with perceptions around race. I invite you to visit for more information and to register. October’s Salvationist magazine will be dedicated to the testimonies and lived experiences of racialized people. And senior leadership has placed the issue of diversity on our agenda for contemplation and action.

We are also exploring practical education and training opportunities. Our officer personnel and human resources teams are committed to diversity training and equitable treatment for all employees, officers and volunteers. Everyone deserves a safe working environment, free from the fear of judgment and discrimination.

I want to assure you, as territorial commander, that racial equality is a top priority for The Salvation Army. We are in this for the long haul and will do everything we can to identify and address inequity and hold ourselves accountable. The Salvation Army will continue to work towards a world where all people are accepted, loved and valued.

Thank you and God bless!