Report from the Divisional Commander

by Ontario Communications
Categories: Divisional News


Dear Friends:

Fall has arrived and with it brings cooler weather and a new busy season of ministry for The Salvation Army. In this season of thanksgiving I am pleased to introduce to you the new ‘Divisional Commander’s Report’ e-Newsletter. I look forward to sharing with you through this medium every couple of months.

This e-Newsletter is designed to be a means to communicate and celebrate together the great things happening across the Division. It is also a great tool to help us focus on the Ontario Central East Strategic Priorities which are: A) Growing Healthy Corps, B) Connecting with the Multicultural Community, C) Reducing Poverty, D) Engaging Youth and E) Strengthening Leadership.

As we look back over the last year and ahead to the coming months, Tracey and I are grateful to God for your ‘work produced by faith, labours prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ’, (I Thessalonians1: 3) I commend you for your dedication and commitment to the mission and ministry which is ours as The Salvation Army. Please accept our thanks for all you do.

Full Newsletter