“Brew Unto Others” Virtual Coffee Time Helps Cape Breton Community Stay Connected

by Maritime
Categories: 2020, News Archive

    On a Wednesday night in Sydney, Cape Breton, people of all ages came together on a zoom call to feel connected with each other during a time of social distancing. 

    “Brew unto Others” is a weekly virtual coffee time started by The Salvation Army Sydney Church in Cape Breton to help keep the community connected and to provide socialization for those whose mental health may be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    Over the two hour call, more than 30 members of the community joined to share stories, poke fun at one another, and share ways they have been keeping busy.

    “I learned to ride my bike in the driveway this week,” says one of the younger members of the chat, making the group smile and bringing on a round of applause. “Without training wheels and everything”

    Others shared ideas such as learning to knit, going on walks, or completing projects around the house. 

    “This is a time for us to come together,” says Major Corey Vincent, who organized the event. “To feel connected even when we are apart.”


    By: Angela Rafuse