Top 10 things you can do today to leave a legacy

by Maritime
Categories: Blog, News Archive

    1. Prepare a will.
    2. Leave a gift in your will for The Salvation Army to make a difference in the lives of others.
    3. Leave a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your assets to The Salvation Army
    4. Consider using assets for your legacy gift.
    5. Name The Salvation Army as a beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF or pension plan.
    6. Name The Salvation Army as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy.
    7. Purchase a new life insurance policy naming The Salvation Army as the beneficiary.
    8. Remember loved ones with memorial gifts.
    9. Encourage family and friends to leave a gift in their wills.
    10. Ask your financial or estate planning adviser to include charitable giving as part of your financial plan.

    For additional information about leaving a legacy please contact:
    Doris Cameron – Planned Giving Representative
    (902) 455-1201 ext 237