
Open Arms After-School Program Assists Families for More Than 20 Years

Posted on 2nd July 2024, by
Program participants play video games
The Salvation Army in Halifax offers drop-in, after-school care for families in the city’s Uniacke Square neighbourhood. In the summer months, hours are extended since children are off school. It gives them a chance to have more time to enjoy outdoor activities. This service is part of the Open Arms program, which has assisted families  […]

Parents and Children Benefit from Salvation Army Camps

Posted on 27th June 2024, by
Children stand by pool ready to jump in
As students get ready to leave their books behind and prepare for summer break, parents start thinking about how to keep their children occupied and supervised. Summer camps offered by The Salvation Army across the country serve as an affordable solution. The Salvation Army’s Pine Lake Camp, located near Red Deer, Alta., offers a variety  […]