
Helping the Homeless Beat the Streets

Posted on 8th October 2015, by SalvationArmy.ca
Vince sits in front of Salvation Army shelter
People don’t want to be homeless. Yet thousands of Canadians are one paycheck away, one crisis or one unpaid bill away from becoming homeless. World Homeless Day, October 10, raises awareness of the issues facing people who are experiencing homelessness and encourages the public to take action to make a difference. Vince’s story When Vince  […]

Salvation Army Serves up Food and Dignity

Posted on 5th October 2015, by SalvationArmy.ca
Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and many of us will sit down to a traditional Thanksgiving feast. But, for vulnerable people such as low-income earners, the elderly on fixed incomes and people experiencing homelessness, Thanksgiving is a day where limited food and lack of money and resources is even more obvious. “Four million Canadians  […]

Hurricane Joaquin Approaching Bermuda

Posted on 4th October 2015, by
Bermuda is under a severe weather warning, with Hurricane Joaquin around 200 nautical miles to the Island’s southwest earlier this morning. The storm is expected to pass west of Bermuda this afternoon and increase to hurricane force by evening. “Presently we have very high winds and heavy rain, tropical storm conditions with hurricane conditions coming  […]
tsa up for school
The 2015 United Nations General Assembly was one of the most significant meetings in recent history. The 193 member-countries of the United Nations (UN) agreed an ambitious 15-year plan for the sustainable development of the planet, with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets that apply to every country in the world. Priority has  […]

Lisa Finds Strength After Years of Addiction

Posted on 28th September 2015, by SalvationArmy.ca
A woman sitting down on a chair and smiling at the camera
“Less than a year ago I stood on the brink of a bridge, minutes away from jumping to my death,” says Lisa, 41. “Today, with help from The Salvation Army, I’m safe, sober and liking myself for the first time in decades.” From age seven to 14, Lisa was sexually abused by her father. Then,  […]
Saba était prête à tout pour vivre en sécurité et avoir une vie meilleure. Elle a traversé de dangereux postes frontaliers et risqué d’être tirée à vue ou kidnappée et catapultée dans un réseau de traite des femmes. Finalement, elle a immigré au Canada où un futur incertain et une multitude de nouveaux défis l’attendaient. « J’avais  […]
Savoir lire et écrire est la pierre angulaire de l’apprentissage et de l’habilitation personnelle. Même si plusieurs croient que la littératie se porte bien au Canada, près de la moitié des adultes canadiens présentent un faible niveau d’alphabétisation. Selon certaines études, il existe une corrélation directe entre la pauvreté et l’analphabétisme. Un manque de connaissance  […]

Posted on 21st September 2015, by SalvationArmy.ca
Hunger Awareness Infographic
Hunger Awareness Week, September 21-25, exists to raise awareness of the solvable problem of hunger in Canada. The Salvation Army recognizes that hunger is an everyday reality for thousands of Canadians. From food hampers to soup kitchens to school breakfast programs and street outreach vans, we’re fighting to make hunger history. In many Salvation Army  […]

Seniors’ Wellness Program Enhances Quality of Life

Posted on 17th September 2015, by SalvationArmy.ca
Seniors’ Wellness Program Enhances Quality of Life at Barbara Mitchell Family Resource Centre Winnipeg
St. Vital in Winnipeg is a community for all nations and is home to many seniors.   Every week, seniors from the community gather at The Salvation Army Barbara Mitchell Family Resource Centre for games and activities that keep their minds alert and workshops that address health and safety issues such as managing arthritis, how  […]

The Salvation Army Continues to Assist Syrian Refugees

Posted on 16th September 2015, by
The Salvation Army assists refugees in Greece
The Salvation Army believes it has an ethical and humanitarian responsibility to provide support to individuals and families fleeing their countries of origin. As European leaders seek to deal with what an EU (European Union) representative called the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War, The Salvation Army is responding internationally, providing practical, emotional  […]