
Salvation Army Addresses Bullying

Posted on 22nd February 2016, by SalvationArmy.ca
In a class of 35 students, between 4 and 6 children are bullying and/or are being bullied
Did you know that over one million Canadian children are bullied at least once, each and every week? Bullying is a major problem for Canadian children. On February 24, Pink Shirt Day, Canadians are encouraged to wear a pink shirt to symbolize that we as a society will not tolerate bullying. Across the country, The  […]
mother and child at Salvation Army play group at Ottawa Bethany Hope
Conflict in Syria has led to millions of people being displaced, both within Syria and in neighbouring countries. In Canada, The Salvation Army is working with various levels of government and other community agencies to contribute to the resettlement process, and a fund has been established to support refugees overseas. “The Salvation Army provides assistance  […]
Bien que nous vivions dans un pays riche, la pauvreté est quand même présente. Plus de trois millions de familles canadiennes vivent dans des logements inabordables et insalubres, et un enfant sur dix est considéré comme pauvre. Depuis sa fondation en 1865, l’Armée du Salut a servi d’intermédiaire entre les familles et les collectivités en  […]

Pilot Program Helps Lift Families with Children Out of Poverty

Posted on 11th February 2016, by SalvationArmy.ca
mother and child at Salvation Army play group at Ottawa Bethany Hope
Amidst incredible wealth, poverty in Canada remains prevalent. More than three million Canadian families are living in unaffordable and unsuitable housing conditions, and one in 10 children is considered poor. Since its founding in 1865, The Salvation Army has served as a bridge between families and communities, providing care, hope and belonging. As statistics reveal  […]
À la recherche d’une vie meilleure, Hileni, originaire de Namibie, a quitté Edmonton pour Toronto en avril 2015. Toutefois, les choses ne se sont pas déroulées comme prévu, et Hileni s’est retrouvée dans un refuge pour femmes du centre-ville. Pour prendre un repas chaud, elle se rendait souvent au centre des services communautaires et d’aide à  […]

Homeless Woman Finds Purpose while Volunteering at The Salvation Army

Posted on 8th February 2016, by SalvationArmy.ca
homeless woman sorts food at Salvation Army family services
Originally from Namibia, Hileni moved to Edmonton from Toronto in April 2015 in search of a better life. Things didn’t go well right away, and Hileni found herself living in a women’s shelter downtown. While living there, she would often visit The Salvation Army’s nearby Community and Family Services for a hot meal. "One day  […]

Unique Program Fights Child Hunger

Posted on 4th February 2016, by SalvationArmy.ca
backpack Program Fights Child Hunger
Imagine starting your school day hungry and unable to focus on what your teacher is saying because of your growling stomach and pounding headache. For one in seven Canadian children, this is a reality.   Recognizing that hunger has a huge impact on a child’s ability to learn and function, The Salvation Army in Red Deer, Alta.,  […]