Feast of Christmas Gives Hope Today

Posted on 19th December 2023, by jmifsud
The joyous sounds of holiday music and the smiling faces of the staff, volunteers and friends of The Salvation Army brought the festive spirit alive for the annual Feast of Christmas at the Centre of Hope in Halifax this week. The feast, a highlight in the Christmas calendar, was held outside again this year and  […]
Categories: 2023, Blog
Every time Phyllis Barnaby sees or hears anything related to The Salvation Army, she gets emotional. It is a reminder of the support and care she received from the organization at a young age. As a way to give back, Phyllis now contributes to the Army whenever she gets the chance. Unforgettable Gesture As a child, Phyllis’ life was challenging. While living in the small  […]
Categories: 2023, Blog

Volunteering with The Salvation Army Good for Mental Health

Posted on 19th December 2023, by jmifsud
For many, volunteering is a way to give back to their community, build confidence, find purpose, and increase happiness. For Ross Stuckless, volunteering with The Salvation Army has helped with his mental health. After finishing his time with The Salvation Army as an officer in the late 80s, Ross became a crisis worker in St.  […]
Santa Claus made an early appearance in St. John’s at the end of September to help kick off The Salvation Army’s Christmas season. Forgoing his traditional sleigh for a Polaris Slingshot, Santa was accompanied by over 15 motorcycles and supporting vehicles from the Iceberg Alley Riders Chapter NL-A as they collected toys and monetary donations  […]
Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season for many Maritimers. It is a time to come together with friends and family to celebrate and reflect on life’s blessings. Each year, The Salvation Army works hard to ensure everyone has the same opportunities to enjoy the spirit and tradition of Thanksgiving. Whether that is providing  […]
Categories: 2023, Blog
While grocery expenses are at an all-time high, families and individuals dealing with food intolerances and allergies are forced to make impossible choices when faced with the ever-growing issue of food insecurity. To give us a better understanding of these realities, Brandy, a single mother with a disability that prevents her from working, shared her  […]
Categories: 2023, Blog
For the entire month of May, The Salvation Army partnered with Move Radio, Mic Mac Mall (Halifax Regional Municipality), and Brookside Mall (Fredericton) to help fight period poverty in their respective cities through a Tampon Tuesday campaign. Tampon Tuesday is a grassroots program that works with community partners to collect menstrual hygiene products for distribution  […]
Categories: 2023, Blog