“The Salvation Army treats people like human beings―family,” says volunteer, Roydell. “This keeps me coming back.”

During the season of Thanksgiving in 2018, Roydell’s employer, one of Bermuda’s luxury resorts, offered to supply The Salvation Army’s soup kitchen in Hamilton with a traditional Thanksgiving turkey dinner. Wanting to support the vulnerable in her community, Roydell, the director of rooms, jumped at the chance to help The Salvation Army spread love and empathy.

“The Salvation Army treats people like human beings―family.”

“That was my first experience with The Salvation Army in community service,” says Roydell. “I saw how the organization makes everyone feel valued and cared for. I was hooked. A few days later, I signed up to volunteer on a regular basis.”

Every other Friday, Roydell can be found at the soup kitchen utilizing her skills in food and beverage management, and customer service, to serve a hot meal to close to 100 guests.

“People who come to the soup kitchen may be unemployed, battling addiction or simply look worn down,” says Roydell. “Not everyone is homeless. But no matter their circumstance, they are treated with respect and dignity. The same way the guests at my hotel are cared for.

“I saw how the organization makes everyone feel valued and cared for. I was hooked.”

“I find it gratifying to know I am helping and interacting with people in need and have learned how important volunteers are to The Salvation Army. They need us because they can’t reach everyone. Volunteering is one way I can give back—with my time.”

Serving a free meal to someone who is unemployed, offering a listening ear to a person struggling with addiction, showing kindness to someone who is less fortunate―The Salvation Army has many opportunities for people to help restore hope to those who would otherwise have to battle hardship on their own.