The Salvation Army gives hope and dignity to vulnerable people today and every day in over 400 communities across Canada and in 131 countries around the world!

Comissioner Susan McMillan

A Message From Territorial Commander, Susan McMillan (Click to Read)

Journeying Together

The Salvation Army operates on the frontlines of human need and comes alongside so many people struggling to find hope. Our mission is to reach out to the lonely, the least and the lost and let them know that someone cares that even though today may be met with many challenges, there can be a better tomorrow.

As the largest, non-governmental direct provider of social services in the country, The Salvation Army has the privilege of caring for marginalized and vulnerable people every day. Through our wide range of programs and services, The Salvation Army assisted over 1.7 million people last year in 400 communities across Canada.

Here are a few highlights from the past year which are included within this report.

• The Salvation Army partnered with Indigenous Pathways to host our first Pow Wow and Celebration of Culture. The three-day event provided the opportunity to listen and learn from Indigenous people as they shared their culture, values and worldview.

• In May 2017, Larissa Maxwell, Director of Anti-human Trafficking Programs for The Salvation Army in British Columbia, was the first recipient of the annual Justice Canada Excellence in Victim Services Award. The Salvation Army’s goal is to stop this crime from occurring in Canada and be the place where survivors can come to heal and take back their lives.

“Hope for tomorrow is possible.”

• The Salvation Army’s Toronto Grace Health Centre, a 119-bed hospital, completed a multi-million dollar retrofit that improves our ability to deliver exceptional and compassionate support to those in need of complex continuing care, rehabilitation and palliative care services.

With 1 in 7 Canadians living in poverty, the challenges in Canada are significant. As we feed, clothe, shelter and empower those in need, The Salvation Army remains committed to journeying with individuals, families and communities as they strive towards a brighter future.

Hope for tomorrow is possible because of the generous support of our donors, volunteers and other community stakeholders. With your help we are able to provide quality programs and services to the people we serve the people who rely on us. For that, I am truly grateful.

My God bless you,

Susan McMillan


Territorial Commander

National Advisory Board Chairman, Andrew Lennox

A Message from the National Advisory Board Chair, Andrew Lennox (Click to Read)

Reality of Poverty

As Chair of The Salvation Army’s National Advisory Board, I lead a dedicated group of business leaders and philanthropic supporters who assist the Army with strategic guidance on its national operations and services. In my role, I have the opportunity to witness firsthand how The Salvation Army supports Canadians in need.

Poverty isn’t always easy to see in Canada. It hides under the roofs of the homes that people struggle to afford or at the many precarious jobs they must work in order to pay the bills. It even takes the form of skipped meals when parents can’t afford to feed their child breakfast before school.

The Salvation Army sees the effects of poverty in the faces of the more than 5,000 people it assists every day. It’s hard to believe that in a country so rich and developed in Canada, this is the harsh reality:

  • 1 in 7 Canadians live in poverty;
  • 1 in 5 will skip meals to make ends meet;
  • 1 in 6 people who use food banks have jobs;
  • 1 in 4 households pay more than they can afford for housing.

Through its work in 400 communities across the country, The Salvation Army helped over 1.7 million people last year. For over 135 years in Canada, the Army has faithfully and consistently assisted the most vulnerable and marginalized in society. It does this by providing food, clothing, shelter and other practical support, but most of all, by viewing people with dignity and helping them see hope for their future.

With the support of its generous donors and volunteers, The Salvation Army can continue providing much-needed assistance to those who need it most and fighting back against poverty. On behalf of the National Advisory Board, I express my deepest thanks to everyone who has joined the Army’s important mission of Giving Hope Today.

Andrew Lennox


National Advisory Board

Financial Overview

For complete information on the financial position and results of operations of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda, please see the accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements at for the year ended March 31, 2018, which have been audited by KPMG, LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants.

The financial statements present the assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenues and expenses of the Governing Council and each of its controlled entities, both incorporated and unincorporated.

revenue chart for 2011/18
expenses chart for 2011/18

Financial Challenges (Click to Read)

A review of the Consolidated Financial Statements ( will provide detailed information about The Salvation Army’s financial position and results of operations during 2017/18.

On a consolidated basis, it will be seen that the Army is a large organization with assets of $1.9 billion, and annual expenses of $727 million last year. One might rightly ask whether an organization of this size and scope needs continuing public support in the form of donations. The answer is an unequivocal “YES”!

The Army is facing a number of challenges that donors can help it meet.

a) Capital Needs

The Salvation Army began its work in Canada in 1882 and as a long-standing service provider of social services, the Army has a number of older buildings that will require revitalization to continue to serve the most vulnerable in our communities. Based on recent property assessments, the capital needs over the next 10 to 15 years are significant.

b) Donation Growth

Total expenses have increased at a rate of 2.4% on average over the past five years; meanwhile, donations have increased at a slower rate of 1.9% on average, making it harder to fund community and social service programs.

Donations are important to the funding of The Salvation Army’s programs and services. They constitute 25% of our funding, so the Army’s services to the most disadvantaged in our communities rely upon a steady and growing stream of donations to make up for the shortfall between the costs we incur and other sources of funding.

c) Regional Disparities

Donors are increasingly inclined to specify where and how their contributions are to be used. While we understand donors’ interest in their local communities and specific programs, the reality is that as more funds are restricted, the Army relies on a diminishing pool of unrestricted donations and other funds to provide programs and services in communities and regions which are unable to generate sufficient local donations. While The Salvation Army desires to provide services to needy Canadians wherever they live, its ability to do so is wholly dependent on sources of unrestricted funds.

d) Financially Risky Operations

The Salvation Army’s goal is to maintain sufficient reserves to meet 90 days’ expenses at each operating unit to help protect programs and services during difficult times when revenues are down or expenses are unusually high. While 57% of its operations have adequate reserves, the remaining units are unlikely to amass appropriate reserve levels without help. Unrestricted donations are pivotal to the Army’s ability to sustain these operations.

On a consolidated basis, The Salvation Army’s net funds for operations stand at $93 million at March 31, 2018, which is well short of the required level. To achieve a three-month operating reserve position on a consolidated basis would require an infusion of funds totaling $74 million.

Hope Stories

meghan smiling for the camera

From a Student-athlete to a Full-blown Addict (Click to Read)

Meagan, 28, grew up in a small town, in a good family, and excelled in school and sports. But after a soccer injury, she turned to drugs to dull the pain and cope with the disappointment of being unable to play. That was the beginning of her downward spiral that led to years of drug abuse, crime and unhealthy relationships.

Out of Control

“It’s crazy how fast I lost control of my life,” says Meagan. “My addiction to crystal meth, cocaine and heroin cost me a career in nursing, my first house―and my family.”

In 2016, Meagan was arrested for trafficking. She didn’t think life could get any worse, but it did.

“After my arrest, I was released on bail and fled to another province to avoid a prison sentence,” says Meagan. “It was a bad move. I was assaulted to the point of being hospitalized for two weeks, lived in a shelter, then in my car. I just wanted to die.”

Meagan wanted a better life, but it was hard for her to give up drugs. One day she saw a police officer and asked him to run her name.

“I was malnourished and tired of running from the law,” says Meagan. “I was arrested on the spot. That lead me to drug treatment court and to The Salvation Army’s Kate’s Place. They are helping me get my life back on track.”

Recovery Supports

Meagan lives at The Salvation Army’s Kate’s Place while she attends drug treatment court. Kate’s Place provides 24-hour supervised, safe, stable and supportive housing, general counselling and practical assistance to female participants of the program.

“I always lived in fear,” says Meagan. “The Salvation Army gave me a safe place to call home, a listening ear and practical support. I was encouraged to get involved in things I love to do such as volunteering. Without The Salvation Army, I wouldn’t be as far along in my recovery.”

After Meagan graduates from drug treatment court she wants to enroll in university to get a business degree. She has her family back and enjoys volunteering with The Salvation Army.

“When I got sober I realized all I gave up for drugs,” says Meagan. “There wasn’t much further down I could go.”

Peter baking in the kitchen of the Journey to Life Centre

When Life Came Crashing Down (Click to Read)

The day Peter’s wife passed away, he learned his job as a chef was being eliminated. Then he was diagnosed with macular degeneration, which is irreversible vision loss. When he contacted The Salvation Army he was hopeless and without a home. “I had nowhere to turn,” says Peter. “The Salvation Army helped me get on track again.”

In his early teens, Peter was told he would never achieve anything in life. He eventually got in trouble with the law and by age 16 served time in the penitentiary. “Alcohol abuse lead to criminal activity,” says Peter. “I hung out with gangs and looked up to people I shouldn’t have.”

While in the penitentiary Peter received visits from The Salvation Army and, after his release, he turned to the organization for help to overcome his alcohol addiction.

Meanwhile, Peter met a chef who challenged him on his lifestyle and future. Peter soon took an interest in cooking, went to chef school and worked in five-star hotels. A few years ago, when Peter was offered a position at a retirement residence that included housing, he and his wife jumped at the chance.

“The Salvation Army gave me another chance at improving my life,” says Peter.

“My wife was my rock and my greatest supporter,” says Peter. “When she passed away, a part of me died and life started to go downhill again.”

After his wife’s death, Peter gave away all of his belongings and travelled. “I was running from my grief,” says Peter. “I knew I had to deal with it.”

Peter was in Thunder Bay, on his way to the Yukon for a job in the mines, when he realized he had a problem with his eyes. “My vision was distorted. I knew there was something wrong.” Familiar with The Salvation Army and their services, Peter went to the Journey to Life Centre, a shelter for men. There, he had a roof over his head and medical care arranged by the staff.

“The Salvation Army is more than a shelter,” says Peter. “They connected me to critical medical services and helped me get into my own apartment. I’m also baking for the Centre and am teaching a cooking class in their transitional housing unit.

“The Salvation Army gave me another chance at improving my life,” says Peter.  “They never judged me. When I asked for help, they were there to give it to me.”

denise posing with artwork

When Tragedy Struck (Click to Read)

In years past, Denise Hynes was on the receiving end of The Salvation Army’s assistance in Corner Brook, N.L. Today she is a successful business owner giving back to the one organization who gave her hope when the unexpected happened.

“It was an extreme cold weather day and our house pipes burst,” says Denise. “Flooding started in the attic. Gyprock fell off walls. In our newly renovated basement, water was a foot deep. It looked like a bomb had struck our home.”

Denise and her family of four lost everything except for some children’s toys and a few photo albums.

“The Salvation Army eased a lot of our anxiety,” says Denise. “We were so grateful.”

“We were devastated,” says Denise. “It was six months before restoration was complete and the family could move home. Meanwhile, I contacted The Salvation Army for help.”

When Denise walked into The Salvation Army she was overwhelmed by the assistance offered to her.

“From sweaters to coats to boots and school supplies, The Salvation Army eased a lot of our anxiety,” says Denise. “We were so grateful.”

Then Denise’s marriage broke down.

“I was between work contracts, was in deep debt and struggled to feed my three boys,” says Denise. “My children would go to the cupboard for snacks and there were none. Many times I went hungry so my children would have food.”

It was Christmastime when Denise reached out to The Salvation Army.

“I couldn’t afford gifts or a turkey dinner,” says Denise. “The Salvation Army provided toys for my children, a food hamper and a gift card that allowed us to purchase all the fixings for a turkey dinner.”

Denise has since gotten back on her feet, owns an art studio, and gives back to The Salvation Army in appreciation for the help she received when she needed it most. At Christmas she has provided gift cards suitable for teens, buys new clothes for The Salvation Army to distribute year-round and teaches art to single moms who attend a Salvation Army support group.

“The Salvation Army gave me hope,” says Denise. “I want to be part of giving that hope to others.”

Your Support in Action

Facts & Figures

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Over 1.7 million people were helped by The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda last year.

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269,000 people were helped at Christmas with food hampers and toys.

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101,000 people were visited in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, daycare centres and other facilities.

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223,000 meals were served in school breakfast programs.

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4,190 children went to Salvation Army camps.

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6,371 children were helped through the Brighter Futures Children’s Sponsorship Program.

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3.2 million free meals were served at shelters and in feeding programs.

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132,000 people were helped in night patrol, rescue and suicide prevention.

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1,236,000 people were assisted with food, clothing or practical assistance.

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7,300 shelter, addictions, detox and mental health beds provided each night.

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21,000 people were helped when an emergency or natural disaster struck.

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10,100 people were helped with language training through the Immigration and Refugee Services

Service Highlights

officer volunteering

6,300 Meals Served to the Homeless (Click to Read)

Elsie, 83, was one of hundreds of people who were served by The Salvation Army when she had camped out on a cot at Toronto’s Moss Park Armoury, an emergency shelter set up for the homeless. “I haven’t come across this kindness and caring in my entire life,” says Elsie. “The Salvation Army can’t take care of me enough.”

In January 2018, and due to extreme weather conditions, the temporary shelter was established by the City of Toronto and The Salvation Army responded to the call for assistance. More than 100 meals a day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, were prepared at a local Salvation Army shelter and transported to the Moss Park Armoury for distribution.

“The Salvation Army can’t take care of me enough.”

“The Salvation Army didn’t just provide meals,” says Colonel Lee Graves, Chief Secretary for The Salvation Army. “Our ministry was also about the conversations that took place. We met beautiful, well-educated people with heart-wrenching stories about their own reality and circumstances. They just wanted to be heard and many had great ideas about solutions to their needs.”

Elsie, who for months had been sleeping on the ground in the backyard of a church, was subsequently referred to Belinda’s Place in Newmarket, Ont., a multi-service facility operated by The Salvation Army for homeless women. Here she had a bed and a room and a caseworker to help her find a home.

She was finally able to get back on her feet and age with dignity.

Aboriginal drum circle

Salvation Army Sponsors First Public Pow Wow (Click to Read)

In September 2017, The Salvation Army partnered with Indigenous Pathways to host our first ever Pow Wow and Celebration of Culture at the Army’s Pine Lake Camp in Alberta.

“The three-day event gave Indigenous Salvation Army members and Christians from other churches the opportunity to express their faith through cultural traditions,” says Major Shari Russell, Indigenous Ministries Consultant for The

Salvation Army. “The celebration was also a means of educating non-Indigenous delegates and leaders in Indigenous culture, values and worldview.”

An Anishinaabe/Saulteaux from the YellowQuill First Nation in Saskatchewan, Russell was part of the “Sixties Scoop”, a period in Indigenous history in Canada where thousands of young Indigenous children were literally scooped from

birth families and placed in non-Indigenous environments. She has lived the history and experience of the Indigenous peoples.

“The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda has committed to a journey of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in Canada,” says Russell. “One of the pieces of reconciliation is education for our clergy and members. The Pow

Wow was a piece of that where we learned and built bridges into the community.”

Russell encourages all people to walk the journey of reconciliation by being part of building positive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

There are various ways to open pathways for dialogue.

  1. Visit a Friendship Centre, which are community hubs where Indigenous people can access culturally-based and culturally-appropriate programs and services.
  2. Celebrate significant days for Indigenous peoples such as National Aboriginal Day (June 21) and Orange Shirt Day (September 30) to honour residential school survivors.
  3. Learn greetings such as “hello” and “good morning” in the local language.

“Word is spreading in the Aboriginal community that The Salvation Army is a safe place where people can express who they are and their culture,” says Russell.

“We want to see all people experience healing and wholeness so they can be all God has created them to be.”

shelter in Quebec

Halo Project Measures Impact on Communities (Click to Read)

“The Halo project began when a group of academics at the University of Pennsylvania asked, ‘What is the economic impact (or Halo effect) of a church in its community?’” says Graham Moore, Assistant Chief Secretary. “The results from data collected from our churches have shown how much economic good our congregations do and the worth of our services that the city doesn’t have to provide.”

Last year, five Salvation Army locations across Canada partnered with the Halo Canada project to measure the economic value of what The Salvation Army contributed to the common good in their neighbourhoods and communities. In each case, the value of each church and its services, known as the Halo effect, was in excess of $1 million, with a range between $1.04 and $5.6 million.

Montreal Citadel was one of the congregations who participated in the project. They found that the study put a concrete value on the community’s use of their building, the impact of their musical groups, how they assist children, the reach of their fellowship programs, the way in which people facing difficult situations are helped and how greater problems or disasters are prevented.

“Hard numbers show that our value to the community is extensive and redemptive,” says Colonel Glenn Shepherd, Divisional Secretary for Business Administration in Quebec.

“Data collected from our churches have shown how much economic good our congregations do.”

In Drumheller, Alta., The Salvation Army’s community church is relocating its services to one physical location, which will require additional funding. The outcomes and data collected by the Halo project will help politicians, the business community, and potential funders and donors see The Salvation Army through a different lens.

“Anecdotal evidence does not carry the weight of hard data—we can’t just say we make an economic impact—we have to be able to support our claims with numbers,” says Captain Mark Stanley, former Divisional Secretary for Public Relations and Development. “The work done by Halo enables us to do that.”

“Halo data allows us to change the conversation and speak to the positive impact of The Salvation Army for everyone in the community,” says Moore. “It also shows our staff, volunteers and church members that what they are doing to help others is worthwhile.”

“Hard numbers show that our value to the community is extensive and redemptive.”

Female hand silhouette on the glass

Salvation Army Wins Award in Victim Services (Click to Read)

In May 2017, Larissa Maxwell, Director of Anti-human Trafficking Programs at The Salvation Army in British Columbia, was the first recipient of the annual Justice Canada Excellence in Victim Services Award.

“Human trafficking is one of the most severe and shocking forms of abuse,” says Maxwell. “Our goal at The Salvation Army is to stop this crime from occurring in Canada and provide trauma sensitive rehabilitation. We want to be the place where survivors can come to heal and take back their lives.”

The Salvation Army has made a significant difference in the lives of trafficked persons, including both foreign and domestic human trafficking victims from across British Columbia and from all parts of Canada, working with up to 250 survivors a year.

In 2009, Deborah’s Gate, the first high security Canadian safe house and residential program of its kind for survivors of human trafficking, was opened by The Salvation Army. By additionally opening four more holistic, non-residential programs (outreach, living skills, employment training and mental health and addictions) to support survivors to heal and recover from their experience, The Salvation Army is helping survivors live beyond a program.

In 2017, The Salvation Army launched the first ever Canadian specialized mental health and addictions program for survivors of human trafficking, which runs for the first three months of every resident’s stay at Deborah’s Gate.

Called “Renew” the program was developed with survivors for survivors and provides a trauma informed space to heal and recover from the impacts of trafficking. This program restores the heart and mind through building baseline stability, in preparation of pursuing future goals such as education and employment.

“The Salvation Army focuses on three main goals,” says Maxwell. “To interrupt and disrupt human trafficking, train and equip the community and provide viable exiting and rehabilitation opportunities for survivors.”

For more information, visit

volunteer handling bags of clothes

Thrift Stores Divert 35,000 Metric Tonnes from Landfills (Click to Read)

The Salvation Army Thrift Store (National Recycling Operations) helps communities and partners preserve the environment we share through thrift shopping and donating.

As Canada’s largest non-profit textile recycler, The Salvation Army Thrift Store offers a unique way to provide service through its 108 thrift stores, donor welcome centres (DWCs), nine distribution and recycling centres (DRCs), nine municipal partnerships, donation drop bins and residential pick-ups.

“We give donated items a second chance at life through our thrift stores and DRCs,” says Tonny Colyn, National Donations Manager. “We have been doing this for 110 years in Canada and are at the forefront of textile recycling and continue to increase our diversion of electronics and household items.”

In financial year 2017-2018, The Salvation Army Thrift Store diverted over 35,000 metric tonnes (79 million pounds) of used items from local landfills, an 8% increase from the previous year.

“Donating gently used items saves them from overflowing landfill sites and preserves our earth’s precious resources while giving back to those in need,” says Colyn. “All funds raised through recycling initiatives with our ethical partners supports local Salvation Army programs and services.”

Thrift shopping has a vital part to play in supporting a sustainable environment and helping countless adults and families. “It is a solution for making fashion sustainable while helping the planet,” says Michele Walker, Director of Retail Operations.

“With over seven million transactions in our stores last year, it is obvious that people are becoming more cautious about how their purchases make an impact. Shopping with us makes a difference—for their neighbours and for our earth,” says Walker.

Last year, through the Thrift Store’s voucher program $6,093,746 of clothing, household items and furniture were given to those in need.

“We always strive to be innovators in our field, which is seen through unique municipal partnerships in the Region of Peel, Halton Region, Vancouver and more,” says Colyn. “We welcome partners to reach out, get in touch and be a part of our environmental stewardship.”

For store and drop-off bin locations, visit

exterior shot of grace

Toronto Grace Health Centre Returns Home (Click to Read)

“You would need to experience what I have to understand how excellent the care is here at the Grace.”

— John, patient

Plans and proposals for The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre (TGHC) multi-million dollar retrofit to its 60-year-old facility at 650 Church Street commenced in October 2010. To complete the retrofit efficiently and safely the

TGHC staff and patients were relocated in March 2014 to the University Health Network’s Hillcrest site. Although the extent and scope of the project presented many challenges, the TGHCs staff continued to deliver exceptional care to their patients.

On June 24, 2017, after three years of major renovations, the TGHC moved its staff, patients, beds and equipment back to 650 Church Street. In September 2017, the TGHC celebrated its official opening and rededication of the building.

“I am thrilled that The Salvation Army is returning to their original location,” says Dr. Eric Hoskins, former Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. “I want to commend you for your dedication and commitment to patients in need of complex continuing care, rehabilitation and palliative care services. I know this updated facility is going to help you to deliver care better than ever before to the patients who rely on you.”

The retrofit and renovation was made possible through funding from The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and The Salvation Army. The infrastructure renewal project included:

• installation of up-to-date electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, fire and life safety systems, and a piped oxygen system at patients’ bedsides;

• a new rehabilitation area and new state-of-the-art kitchen;

• food service kitchens as well as patient pantries on the patient care units;

• new administrative offices in the former laundry area, allowing for more clinical space on the hospital’s main floor;

• upgraded safety fixtures in patients’ rooms, washrooms and showers;

• up-to-date work areas for staff;

• a redesigned, modern, main entrance and lobby, which improves patient access to programs and services.

“While the TGHC continues to provide complex continuing care, post-acute care rehabilitation and palliative care, the retrofit of the building has had a direct impact on our capacity to provide new and developing programs and services. These enhancements promote positive patient outcomes, and has improved our ability to provide exceptional and compassionate care,” says Mary Ellen Eberlin, (then) President and CEO. “We are grateful to our many partners and donors for making this a reality.”

About Toronto Grace Health Centre

The Toronto Grace is a 119-bed hospital located in the heart of downtown Toronto and is owned and operated by The Salvation Army. The centre welcomes patients of all religious and ethnic backgrounds. The care and services provided facilitate patient flow through the health care system and ensures recovery to those individuals who may return to their homes or to the community.


130,354 people volunteered

1,130,965 hours of their time, worth approximately $22,619,300 *

* Estimated Value of Volunteer Activity (EVVA) based on a valuation of $20/hour.

an elderly volunteer knitting

Former Client Gives Back as a Volunteer (Click to Read)

When Nancy Cooper received assistance from The Salvation Army’s food bank in Oshawa, Ont., she never imagined the long-term impact that visit would have on her life. Now, giving back as a volunteer, she says it’s a fantastic feeling.

“The Salvation Army’s knitting club gets me out of the house,” says Nancy. “But more than that, the items I make go to people who could really use them.” The group is currently knitting Twiddlemuffs, which are hand muffs with bits and bobbles attached inside to stimulate activity for seniors and create a sense of calm for restless autistic children.

“When hydro prices began to soar I got into debt,” says Nancy, 63. “I made payments to avoid having my power cut off, but had little money for groceries. That’s when someone told me about The Salvation Army’s food bank.

“After I received my food I saw the group knitting dishcloths that were sent to Africa for new mothers to wash their babies. I was hooked,” says Nancy.

Twice a week, at the Community and Family Services office, a group of 10 gather to knit, socialize and enjoy a cup of tea. But it’s more than a knitting club.

“Volunteers are an integral part to the effectiveness we have within our community,” says Leigh Rowney, Director of Community and Family Services. “They help us build the bridge between our organization and our local community which in turn impacts so much more. Our effectiveness is considerably enhanced by a good team of volunteers working with us and alongside us.”

To volunteer, visit